Everything is Ordinary About Story Guide Header image of the Eiffel Tower, from the first strip.



Q: What year is this supposed to be taking place in?
A: The strip set in a sort of perpetual tomorrow.

Q: Day 100 since... what, exactly?
A: This has not yet been revealed in the strip.

Q: What happened to all the people?
A: This has not yet been revealed in the strip.

Q: Does the Survivor have a name?
A: She does, it just hasn't come up yet. If it ever does, and it might not, it's not meant to be a big reveal or anything.

Q: So, there's this sitcom--
A: I'm aware that there is an overlap in the core concept of this strip with that of an American TV show. I had the idea for this strip years before that show aired, and they took it in a very different direction than I would have. It being cancelled seemed like a good opportunity to revisit my version.

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